Hey, I'm Vekinuma. To keep it brief, I'm working on a website in order to find those interested in things similar to myself. I intend to add features that allow you find ways to communicate with me, and also means of leaving comments or interactions on the website itself. At the moment, you can contact me on a few platforms in the contacts tab, feel free to reach out with me, I like talking to people and if you happen to be someone who finds any amount of interest in the content posted on this site or elsewhere related to me; we might be friends.
Using this site:Home: Brings you back to this page. Contains instructions on how to navigate the site and brief information bits.
Contact: A list of contact information that you might want if you want to learn more about me that isn’t available here or talk with me.
About: An about page; who I am, what I do, what I want both of those things to be, what they will actually be… what I can do to change that… should be on that page!
Writing: This is where I want to upload most of my writing from YouTube and maybe something different for those who don't really care for video formats.