Vekinuma's WIP Website

I am actively working on this site, I am not a web developer but I am learning the basics.

If you want to contact me...

  • You will find most of my content on YouTube... at least eventually.

  • I don't really use or care for Twitter but it is something I have now.

  • I don't actively use Furaffinity, however I thought I'd throw it in here.

  • I'm not big into games, but I like VRChat and I use Steam as my main platform for related things.

  • I don't want to put a link to my personal Discord here, nor do I have reason to create a server, so if you're interested in speaking with me directly, you can add me, my username is "Vekinuma."

  • In any case, I'm generally "Vekinuma" on the internet, however you may see "Vekinooma" as well. Despite this, I'd suggest you contact me via the means above; I don't think anyone would pose as me, but safe rather than sorry.